Sunday, December 04, 2005

Friend in Need

Howdy Friends and Family,
I know that my close friends read this blog fairly regularly... so I ask you all for prayer for a friend of mine.
I worked with him for 9 years and actually miss his whit and humor now that I have started my own business. I certainly don't see him and the others at the firm as often as I wish.
His name is Kurt and his wife is seriously ill and in the hospital.
I will not give you the details, but please know that he dearly loves her and wants her to live - and she needs your prayers.
We know that God hears our prayers and according to His will, he governs all life. Please seek Him on her behalf that He would have mercy and allow her to return to full health. Pray also that Kurt would find comfort and rest thru all of this.
Thanks for your friendship and devotion to the KING.