Wednesday, February 16, 2005

New Addition to the Family

We were tired of owning dogs that bit people’s faces off … so we decided NOT to rescue one from the SPCA… like we have done in the recent past.

We had tried it one last time a week ago and what a disaster.
The dog actually bore it’s teeth to me when I asked it to get off the couch.
I nearly didn’t get my hand out of the way when it lunged and snapped it’s jaws! And then it decided to hump my kid's legs during breakfast… good bye you freakazoidal maniac dog.

We researched every dog on the planet and found a match for our family… a Mexican Hairless Chihuahua. We cooked it up with a side of potatoes and gravy and then went to North Carolina, to a breeder of fine dogs and purchased a purebred Golden Retriever.

She is gorgeous. 9 weeks old, gentle as can be and is already learning to go to the back door (to be let out) to relieve herself.
She romps and plays with the kids in the backyard and sleeps at the end of our daughter’s bed (in a doggy bed) during the night.
We called here Biscuit.
We’ll need to come up with 3 names for the proper registration of a purebred. (silly breeders)… but for now it’s just Biscuit.
I can even see a cat named Gravy in our future.

You know… it honestly looks like she will be a perfect addition to our family.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Setting Sail

My apologies to those who don’t know yet… I have been extremely busy.

I have departed the wonderful Architecture firm HEWV and started my own Company (I'll get you a web-address when I get one).
I’ve been doing freelance work on the side for quite some time and had finally reached the point where I was getting no sleep at all.

My last day was 11Feb05… and tomorrow morning will be my first day at my new OFFICE! (home)
The kids are all excited because they think I don’t have to ‘GO TO WORK’ tomorrow… little do they know that I will certainly be going to work!
Quite possibly even more than before!

I am going to be quite holistic in my approach to an Architecture/Design Firm. (3 main areas)

1. I am going to be doing quite a bit of Master Planning, Site and Building Design, Feasibility Studies and Preliminary Design. I'm going to try to lay low on shop drawings, bathroom and stair design and specifications!)
2. Along with this I will be creating Architectural Graphics (pretty pictures of what the design will hopefully look like when it’s done) – Site and Buildings alike.
3. And lastly I will be Training people to use an incredible program that I have become quite proficient at – SketchUp. I hope in the future to train Autodesk Products like ADT and Revit... but we’ll see how that goes.

For now… I’m going to go for it and remember the slogan my fellow comrades used to quote in my days with the US Navy Seals…

“The only easy day was yesterday”!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Think Impossible Things!

"There is no use trying," said Alice. "One can't believe impossible things."
"I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
--Lewis Carroll