Monday, February 28, 2011

Hiking - The Priest

What a great 6-Hour hike!
It had been a long time since I went hiking and I was getting cabin fever... so I asked a few of my friends if they wanted to go hiking... and we did it!  Woohoo!
The Priest is the highest mountain in Virginia on the Appalachian Trail.  Just over 4000ft.  The parking lot is at 1200ft.. so it was quite a climb!  It's 4 miles each direction.. and as you can see in the pictures there were NO foliage on the trees.. .we could see for MILES in every direction.  It is said, and I believe them now.. that any other time of year, you can only see OUT from a couple overlooks... the rest of the hike is in shadowy rocky steep trails.
It was great!   
Thanks Dave, Don, Tom and Kevin for a great hike in the Virginia Wilderness!!
We are gunna have to do this again!
(Once each season!!!)

Here is the track if you wanna check it out.


Water under the Bridge

Wow... a LOT of time has past since I really posted anything... 2009!!! Woof.
So... One thing I learned a LONG time ago and it was a very good lesson and I stick with it as best I can... WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE.
I am not going to back track and try to catch this blog up on all the things I have done in the past 2 years.
So.  Cleans slate.
I will tell you later today about the hiking trip that just occured this past weekend! 
That's still in 'the window'.

Back from the Dead

Howdy All,
I was inspired this past weekend to begin blogging again.  I like staying connected with friends.. But would like to journal a bit about life.. And Facebook is just not there.  It's a nice social networking site.. But it lacks a consistency of sorts.
So I'm back.

Miker the Biker
"Always keep the main thing, the main thing!"