Saturday, January 28, 2006


A friend of mine told me something when I left the Navy.
He said, "Mike, watch out... don't let yourself turn into a marshmallow".

I laughed.

Now I know what he means.

Lean and mean has been replaced... I really need to workout.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Post Coffee Blues

I am wiped out.
I didn’t think coffee had an effect on me any longer.
Boy was I wrong.
I had a fairly late meeting last night and then went out for coffee at Starschmucks afterward. I downed the last of a monster Cup o’ Joe about 10:45PM.
I knew something was up as I drove home buzzing.
The books next to my bed got lots of use as I read chapter after chapter and even switched books often. Usually I can’t make it 15 minutes reading at night.
No restful sleep.
Psycho dreams.
I was somewhat relieved when morning struck… but am wiped out this fine Friday.
A good workout at the Gym would probably do me some good... but I haven’t been there in a long time either.

This too shall pass.....