Monday, May 23, 2011

Max the Hunter

Max, our totally killer cat.. actually does.
He was sitting on the porch the other day... staring intently at a squirrel.
Rosie, our dog, was watching them both from inside the house.
I mentioned the scene to Heather, watched Max take a few steps STALKING.. and then I turned back into the house.  I was actually laughing to myself about how silly Max was for going after a squirrel that was half way up a tree in our front yard.

A few minutes later, Heather and I headed out the back door.. and when we came walking around th side of the house... there was Max with a wriggling squirrel in his mouth!  Max had a glassy eyed look and continued to bite harder and frequently change his grip on the squirrel's neck. Finally... the squirrel stopped moving and Max gently set it on the ground.

Too cool watching instinct in action.  Truly a unique sight.