Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Finished my Novel

Well, I finally finished reading the Lord of the Rings!  It took me a while for 2 reasons:  One, I'm not the fastest reader.. but have decided that this is OK since my retention is great. I can usually quote books and movies LONG after they are done/gone.  Secondly.. I read the entire Lord of the Ring (3book trilogy) on my iPhone!
You can pick your font size, and I had it on a fairly nice reading size.. this small scale there were well over 9000 pages!  The best part is this: I am always carrying my I could capture a couple pages here and there.. waiting in a line, sitting at a light, at lunch at work, or in bed just before knocking off to sleep. The convenience is what helped.

I have a friend that has read The Lord of the Rings about 9 times and he is planning to read it again.  Personally, I think this is excessive and don't plan to do the same.  

My plan is to read all the GOOD books that I skipped when I was in High School and continue to skip the bad ones.  =)  I figure life is too short to read bad books. 

My next novel is A Wrinkle in Time.  I have already started it and am getting excited about reading.. it's a pleasure I have only recently been reintroduced to. For sooo many years of my life, I have been too busy.  Time to chill out a little and enjoy some of the finer things in life - like relaxing and smelling the roses.
