Friday, April 09, 2004

Kyrie Eleison

I always wondered what Mister Mister was saying in that song... "Kyrie Eleison"... now I know.

Great, all these years I thought it was just mumbo jumbo song lyrics like "Inna Godda Davida Baby" by Iron Butterfly, or the lyrics "The girl with colitis goes by..." in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by Elton John [John Lennon and Paul McCartney original lyrics].
At least those aren't Greek... just mumbles.

Here is a link to more miss-heard lyrics. KISSTHISGUY.COM

Kyrie Eleison is Greek for "Lord Have Mercy".
People cried out for Mercy in the Old Testament and were healed by Jesus on several occasions.

A dying Christian was asked on his death bed, "Are you going to receive your reward?"
"No, no!" he breathed. "I go to receive not my reward but God's mercy."

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