Tuesday, May 30, 2006

New Family

I joined an elite group recently.
Harley Davidson motorcycle owners.
It's a nice family if you look past the tattoos, goatees, leather and scull-cap helmets.
One guy even had a "Loud Mufflers Save Lives" sicker on his helmet (safety conscious).
They all tell me I need a 'bitch' to ride on the back.
I think they are referring to the sweet and gentle girl that often accompanies you when you ride.. one that has more underarm hair than I do.
Here's my new ride.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Insect Collection

My twin daughters have an assignment in school to collect 10 insects (and kill 'em).
I remembered doing this when I was a kid so I jumped in to help.
At first this sounded like a simple task: Just go outside and turn over some rocks and logs and grab everything that moves.

No so fast.
I was too anxious.. I had this instinct to kill bugs!
(I've eaten tons of them in my lifetime.)
Soooooo... after Daddy terminated a centipede, two rolypoly bugs, and spider... I was told they died in vain.

Insects only have 6 legs.

The beetle, the crane fly and the earwig were OK for the collection.
Tomorrow, I'm on the prowel for a bumble bee, a butterfly and perhaps a grasshopper!
I hope I can even dig up a grub or two! :)

(The 'Killing Jar' has some cotton balls with fingernail polish in it.)