Saturday, April 19, 2008

What a BABE

Just wanted to post this great shot of the incredible woman I am going to marry next week.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Dog of War

My kids came over tonight to play and have a fantabulous dinner!
We got involved in a massive battle we call 10-on-10.
Your 10 army men are placed randomly at one end of the living room (on the floor) and your opponent does the same (on the other end of the room). Then it's simply a game of who can roll the designated ball and knock the other guys army men down first.
Well, tonight we chose a baseball for the 'roller'.. but my son also brought in a secret weapon....
... A DOG OF WAR!!!!
It was Cammie's little electronic doggie - it barked and slowly walked right over my army men!!!!
Not fair of course, but fun was had by all.

Saturday, April 05, 2008


I was having trouble with my cell phone (Treo 700W) last year and since it was a legitimate issue - Verizon sent me a new phone to replace it.
Well... that was last year and early last year if I recall.. and I DID IT!
I finally switched my service over to the new phone!!!
All in about 10minutes at the local Verizon store.

It took me soooo long because, come on, ... whose got 10minutes to spare?!!