Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Camping – Ate A Snake

We went camping in the Blue Ridge Mountain last weekend. It was awesome.
Gorgeous trees and hiking trails, streams and lakes.
We really had a great time.
My kids ran town to the nearby stream and jumped in for a swim while I set up the tend and got the campsite all ready.

It wasn’t 20 minutes they were back at the campsite carrying a snake.

My son had spotted it in the stream (only a few feet away) and threw a rock on it’s head… killing it dead.
I took this as an excellent opportunity to teach my kids about some of the greater things in life… eating snakes.

I showed them how to skin it, gut it, fry it, and eat it.
It wasn’t the biggest snake, so we each only got a few bites… but it was great!
It’s been a long time since I did that… a long time.
We didn’t keep the skin.. which would have been great.

Some critter in the woods is enjoying the entrails and skin right now.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Surfing Rhode Island

My wife bought me a surf board on my birthday.
What on earth was she thinking?
I can’t surf.

Then I remembered a line from ‘Apocalypse Now’…
“Are we gunna fight or are we gunna surf?”

So I graciously accepted the gift and have been trying to learn since.
Sheesh… it ain’t easy.

Last week we took a vacation trip to Rhode Island to see some old friends.
Well, they aren’t old, it’s just been a long time since we saw them last.
Anyway, we took two days of the 5 and went to the beach – Narragansett Beach.
Awesome waves DUDE!
The typical set was 4 or 5 four foot waves followed by 2 or 3 eight footers!
The bigger ones kick our butts, but we rode the little ones… totally fun.

My 14 year old son is a natural and catches nearly every wave he tries for.. me on the other hand am still playing a balancing game on the board!
I ate more sand in those 2 days than I did in a week of SEAL Training.
I think the SEAL TEAM should teach guys to surf.
I really do.

Surf On.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Geckos on the Edge

My leopard Geckos are dieing.

They are not shedding properly and their eyes are covered with skin.
Can’t see means can’t find food.
Can’t find food means can’t eat.
Can’t eat means can’t survive.
I have been force-feeding them food (I hold them heads-up toward the ceiling and they open their mouths, where I drop in a nice juicy waxworm).
But they have been refusing these lately.. and I foresee a short pier and a long walk on the horizon.
