Monday, March 15, 2004

Back from Brussels!!!!

What an incredible trip.
I can't possibly tell you all that happened, but can say it went incredibly well.
highlights are:
- we rode every possible type of transportation [train, tram, metro-subway, taxi, bus, etc.] all ON-TIME! no delays.
- dogs were everywhere [on leash] and the people did NOT clean up the doo doo. the rain washes it away in an hour or so.
- they brought their animals INTO the restaurants - a cat [not on leash] sat next to me for lunch one day
- it was drizzly and cold the whole time and even snowed for two days
- the people don't think that God is relevant
- people were all speaking French... it was great to use my high school psudo-language!
- i ate pate for the whole week and found out the last day it was goose-liver.
- there is a statue i town that is a MAJOR sight-seeing monument - it's a little statue of a kid peeing.
- Chinese tourists all stand 4 meters apart when they are in public squares and 4 inches apart when they are walking as a group
- the beer is the best in the world
- people don't sleep there - i had lunch with a lady that gets up at 7, work by 8, home at 6, bars until 2... then does it all over again - daily.
- computer keyboards are all mixed up... i was paying by the minute at the internet cafe and had to pick&peck
- Brussels is a gorgeous city despite everything being damp with a constant mist.
- waffles are for sale all over the place... they call them geoffs [pronounced go-fffff].
- there is NO normal coffee there... it's espresso or nothing. if you order American coffee' they fill a cup with milk and add one t-spoon of espresso!
- brussel sprouts are NOT from brussels
- they sell french fries in every single cafe... but don't have any ketchup. typical dipping medium is mayonnaise or hot-spice cheese.
-the currency exchange rate hurt my wallet... 1.29% ouch. hand 'em a 50 [USD] and you get back 38 euro with change. :(

If I think of any more, I will let you know.

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