Monday, March 22, 2004

Mouse in the House

Actually, it wasn't in the house... it was in the garage.
Since my wife doesn't read this blog [yet] I can freely say there was a mouse in our house.
She would freak if she knew.
She hates meeses to pieces.
She would NOT venture into the garage if she knew a tiny rodent was lurking around and possibly watching her every move.

Truth is, it was sneaking into our dog food bin.
I wouldn't have known except for when we reached the bottom of the bin... I spotted a little tiny piece of mouse poo-doo.
I knew what it was instantly and set a simple squash-your-head-off trap.
PETA go soak your head.
The trap worked like it was supposed to.
I've used the sticky traps in the past, but different brands make different 'sticky' stuff and mice have escaped... leaving some fur and poo-doo.
The whole idea of being stuck there with their face in a dollop of peanut butter causes them to wet themselves.

I reset the trap just in case he's got a family or some smoking buddies.

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