Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Clearwater Revival

I'm losing it.
I actually felt sorry for the fish.
Some friends came over and witnessed the experiment themselves.
They all wanted to know what chemicals I was using to treat the tank...
There are supposed to be chemicals?
When they left I stared deeply into the murky waters and saw movement... and decide to further traumatize their measly little lives once again...

I did a FULL water change!
I again drained the tank and tossed them onto a temporary flower vase... looked pretty cool actually.
I scrubbed the tank and all items inside... rocks included.
I found a serious micro-culture of algae living under the undergravel filter system!!!! The bloody culprit!

I replaced all and refilled the tank... treated the water with some 'chemicals' and then tossed in the suckers.
I tested the pH levels and the ammonia levels with a handy-dandy kit I forgot I had and all seems fine.. for now.

Water was clear this morning.
They survived the night.

We'll see....

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