Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Soccer Madness

I know many folks involve themselves in the Soccer Phenomenon in America - and somehow I too have been sucked into it's vortex.

4 kids in Soccer practice during the week, games ALL WEEKEND LONG and now Tournaments - is killing me.
I can't seem to get anything else done around the house - anything.

When the season first starts I am all for it (this has been going on for several years).
I cheer and hoot and holler like the rest of the freakazoidal parents.
By mid-season I begin getting this killer headache and knotted stomach when the weekend approaches (which is totally NOT what is supposed to happen - I used to LOVE weekends).
Here at Season-end with 3 tournaments ahead and countless practices - I swear I will NOT do this again (I swear this every year).

My young daughter (11) asked me when 'Jack the Yak' (4) was going to start playing.
I paused for a second to let the question register and allowed it to mingle around in my head with all the other thoughts on the subject (knowing the idea was going to get beat up badly by the ideas on the 'hate-soccer' shelf in my mind)..
surprisingly, even to me, I said "Next season."
The next thing I said was really cool and I don't know where it came from.
I suggested that everyone currently involved in soccer take a sabbatical for a season so we can all go to the Yak's games and cheer.
No dropping kids off here and there and missing each others games.

I love it.
I sure hope I can follow up with such a great idea.

Yak would certainly benefit.. And I really think we all would too.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

I don't remember so much "structured" play when I was a kid. We had Little League, but other than that we were on our own to devise entertainment and recreation.

Come to think of it, maybe that was why I ended up in trouble so much.