Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Where the Hamster's go to Die

My son woke to a rigomortus rodent today.
I had forewarned my kids of the perils of owning hamsters - they croak quicker than any pet I have ever know.
When I was a kid I would loose one every other month or so.
Wet-tail is one typical illness they get if you don't keep the cage tidy.
My son's hamster did NOT die of wet tail - I checked.
It's a fairly easy check - basically they look like they hung their whole butt in the toilet.
You know, like when you sit on the pot in the middle of the night and someone has left the seat and the cover UP!
We have no clue why this little guy bit the dust... or the cedar chips.
The ceremony in the backyard was fairy uneventful.
I used a post hole digger and we found some brightly colored leaves to toss rather than flowers.
Quick goodbyes were spoken and we all headed in out of the rain for breakfast.
I can tell they all took it quite well... life lesson and all... since they want to head to the pet store to pick another one!
Why not... they're only $8.


Pastor Torch said...

Sounds like the makings of a cartoon. Wait, didn't Recess do a show about the death of the classroom pet hamster?

Well... at least Santa has one idea for a gift this year


Kurt said...

My younger brother had a couple of hamsters. The miserable things would get on their wheel and run all night long, with the wheel squeeking the whole time.

Their other chief occupation was trying to escape by standing on the water bottle and pushing the top off the cage. We were on to this scam and had the top weighted, so they would succeed only in pushing the water bottle away from the glass. Then they would fall off and the bottle would go "clang" on the glass. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Ad infinitum. I was glad to see those critters go.