Thursday, October 20, 2005

Boulder Cigarette Man

I was in Boulder Colorado the other day…

After a week of enjoying the gorgeous weather and beauty of Boulder, I had to catch a plane at an ungodly hour – 6am… at the Denver airport.
The drive is only about 45minutes, but one must also plan for plenty of time getting thru security etc. so… I had to leave Boulder at 3:30am.
I was on the curb outside the hotel waiting for my shuttle and a guy was out wandering the streets. As I watched, I observed him checking in planter beds and along the street edge for cigarettes. He picked up a few and looked at them closely to see if they had any tobacco left for smoking, and then tossed them back down in disappointment.
When he got close enough to me to ask, he did. “Excuse me, you got a cigarette?” Of course I didn’t and I glanced at my feet and saw a couple of choice butts laying there.
I said, “There are a couple over here that look like they have a drag or two left on them.”
He quickly said, “Oh, no thanks… I’ve got some in my bag.”
I don’t think he did.
He wandered on, crossed the street and continued to check the planter beds… and disappeared into the dark Boulder morning.

Funny what a good addiction will do to you.

1 comment:

Pastor Torch said...

Boulder! Jezze, that close, and you didn't even drop by! :-) Well it is more than half way from your place to here.

I know what your saying. I have seen them out here too. So desperat for a smoke that they pull anything left over in an ashtray and re-light it.


-Dan the man!