Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

What a great Christmas!
I was invited to spend the Holiday in Maryland with a friend.
We spent Christmas Day at a nearby homeless shelter.
We cooked and served an amazingly HUGE Christmas meal for all who showed up.
Some of the guys that came over LIVED under a nearby BRIDGE!

It was a real eye-opener!
We are sooooo blessed and don't even live like it most of the time.

I also had the oportunity to go to the Laurel Racetrack - at 4AM.
We fed and watered the incredible race horses that my friend Lisa is in charge of.
They also need to be walked/galloped every single day so their muscles stay 'tuned'.
There were huge and solid - pent up energy like you wouldn't believe!

Anyway, here is a picture of my friend Lisa with one of the horses.

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