Thursday, December 14, 2006


I cooked WAY too much last night.
I came home, made a quick decision of what to have for dinner and started cookin'.
One of my most favorite meals.
Well, I started frying the hamburger meat, tossed in the special seasonings.
Got the Refried Beans crankin'.
Put the Spanish Rice on to boil.
Cut up my misc - Cheese, Lettuce, Onions.
Got Guacamole.
And pulled out the shells...

I was so busy having fun cooking - I cooked nearly double what I could possibly eat.
I got on the phone with my sister and invited here over (she couldn't make it since she lives in Idaho), but it was a kind gesture.

I drank a cold beer and watched some DEAL/NO DEAL and enjoyed eating HALF of my meal.
Fun was had by all.
I need to fiture out how to cook for ONE!

1 comment:

Pastor Torch said...

One pan meals work out about right..
although, they all start looking like golash after a while...