Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Exercise Program - IMPACT TIME

I know what you are thinking... how on earth did Mike get so big so fast.
Well.. if you look closely.. this is NOT a picture of me.  Nope.  It's Arnold Swartzenegar.
Hah.. fooled ya.

I am currently in NOT the worse condition of my life.. but close.  Well, I take that back.. I am in OK shape, but have no real routine for exercise.
I honestly can't figure out how I stay in OK shape, since anything to do with exercise is more or less hit/miss.  Sure I walk the dog twice a day, sure I go for a random bike ride thru the neighborhood, sure I walk and hike whenever we go camping, sure I punch the bag in the garage every once in a great while.. but a routine? No.. it's pitiful.

So, I finally got fed up. Finally decided to get a plan.  I was given a book called IMPACT BODY PLAN. The author swears by it like any autor would.. but since the routines are using typical exercise items and not big machines, talks of nutrition and a balanced life, and also speeks plainly about how to say consistant and not so random.... I am going for it.

We went out yesterday and purchased some simple things we didn't yet have:  A Bosu ball (inflatable half dome shape - half of a huge beachball), a medicine ball (basically a 10lb basketball), a jumprope (basic kindergarten model), some kettelbells (cannonballs with handles) and a foam roller (a 6"round hotdog made of dense foam).  We already had some stretchy exercise cords and dumb-bells.  I only have one more thing to buy... a TRX (some kind of torture devise from the Middle Ages, repackaged).
Good Lord help us all!

So I am set.
Time for a LASTING change in my exercise schedule.
The next time you see that picture above (or a similar one).. it WILL be me!!

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