Monday, March 14, 2011

Rubber Chicken Recipe

We ate a rubber chicken last night.  Not intentionally mind you, but we ate one all the same.
The dinner was a disaster, even though it started out with such high hopes.

Here’s the scenario:  Kids over for the weekend.  They are soooo good about us trying new recipes and they give very real feedback on the meal (unlike adults that say something like, “Oh, This is interesting, I’ll have to try this recipe… What’s your secret?”).  Yep.. the kids flat out said it stunk and Connor picked up the thigh and chewed on it like a dog.. pulling on it and stretching the rubberized chicken meat.

Ok.. here’s what’s up.  We recently acquired a medium sized Pampered Chef Roasting Pot … very nice.
We plan on using it for all sorts of oven-cooked meals.. yet one of the recipes was a microwave chicken recipe that cooks a chicken in 20minutes. Sounded too good to be true… so we gave it a try.
We followed the recipe to the T.  I even tied the legs together with a cotton string!!!  Oiled it all down, spices rubbed on top.. and popped it into the microwave. 
20minutes wasn’t enough.. half the chicken was cooked.. so we cut off a cooked leg and gave it to Connor to begin his feast.  10 to 15minutes later, the rest of the chicken was cooked to perfection… perfectly resembling rubber.  We gnawed at if for a while and then the kids asked for other stuff to eat.

I am going to cook the exact same size chicken in the same cookery… in the OVEN next time and see what happens.  We know it will take longer, but my guess is.. it will be edible.
So if anyone encourages you to cook a chicken in the microwave.. just smile and say.. “I have a recipe that works fine Thank You”.  =)

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