Friday, June 11, 2004

Fire Fire Fire

My church burned down [well half of it] last night.
I got a call on my cell phone at 1:30am and rushed right over.
Of course there was nothing we could do but just watch the fire fighters blast our church with water... tons of smoke billowed into the cool night air.

It was hit by lightening around 9:30 in the evening while some of my friends were there for worship practice. They said it was incredibly loud and blew out a couple of the channels on the sound board!

They checked all around and even in the attic... nothing.

A fire broke out sometime after 10:00pm.... apparently it smoldered until it caught onto something flammable in the attic.

It's not all bad news though!
We were wondering which way to expand and now it's fairly obvious!

One of the pastors said something really cool...
"The CHURCH didn't burn down... the BUILDING did!"

This whole thing brings new meaning to being "On Fire for Jesus"!!!!

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