Thursday, June 17, 2004

Happy Birthday to ME!

I made it.
As unbelievable as it is... even to me... I made it 40 years!Yesterday was my birthday.
I don't think I look 40... nor feel 40... but I honestly don't know what 40 is supposed to look and feel like anyway!

I took the whole day off work because for the past 10 years or so... I haven't worked on my birthday and I'm not going to start now.

It was great.
Besides the new shirts, underwear and misc. treats I am fond of...
My wife brought each of my kids and presented them to me as Gifts.... and they certainly are the most wonderful gifts God has given to me.

They proceeded then to make me an incredible breakfast of an omelet, toast with jam, mango slices, cooked ham, and juice... A fresh strawberry/banana shake too.
We rode bikes and played in the yard, and later all went to pizza.
Fun was had by all.
Not everyone gets this when they turn 40... so I am blessed.

Someone along the way told me that when one turns 40, they turn in all their mental problems for physical ones.
Well, I'm not so sure I am ready to give up all my mental problems!
I have taken YEARS to develop these multiple personalities and I'll be darned If we are going to get rid of them so fast!!!!!

And besides, I'm not even half way yet!

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