Thursday, November 20, 2003

Architect gone Mechanic

Sometimes I amaze myself... but more often I don't.
Believe it or not.... I changed my car's water pump last night!
It was pouring rain so I pulled the nose of my Volvo as far as I could into the garage [which was 3' due to an over population of bikes].
I still got wet 'cause the rain was splashing off the windshield and was somehow getting around/under the raised hood.
It was dark too, but I had my trusty task light bulb-on-a-wire, which incidentally cast distracting shadows all over the place and had a mind of its own to see how often it could rotate and shine in my eyes.
I was amazed at how much of the engine I had to remove to get TO the water pump, let alone how many screws it takes to get it OFF the engine. I can't image doing this for a living... but some do.
It took me 3 hours and a quart of hand cleaner.
And here's what I learned: Get a Mechanic. Pay him well. The entire time that I was monkeying around trying to remember where I had put all the screws, bolts, nuts and misc. parts, busting my knuckles, and hoping I could remember how all this could possibly go back together.... one thought kept running thru my mind, over and over.... Mechanics don't Blog.

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