Wednesday, November 05, 2003


Had a great conversation with some friends last night.
It was all about the meaning of life.
Not the movie.
We were all past whether here is a God or not... answer = IS.
The conversation was all about WHY.
Why did He make this whole crazy universe?
Answer = I DON'T KNOW.
He created a perfect world and had a perfect relationship in the Garden of Eden [with Adam and Eve].
They did something the he said not to... which we call SIN, which ruined that perfect fellowship/relationship.
Our chatting brought out some sort of conclusion about His wanting to restore his relationship with Mankind once and for all.
He sent his kid, Jesus [which incidentally is a extrememly complex form of himself] to do the work of restoration - thru a self sacrifice... but we don't seem to get all the benefits of this 'restoration' until some later date.
Apparently, belief in Jesus and the fact that he died for us only gets us a promisary note of a greater reunion.
Call me sacreligious, but I really thought that we could have some sort of relationship HERE and NOW... not wait until later.
I'll keep looking for my FRIEND... the incredibly awesome... the One and ONLY... God.

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