Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Food Poisoning

Last week, Wednesday I think, a friend called me and asked if I could meet him for lunch.
I love it when that happens.
So I tossed my chicken salad sandwich into the frig here at work [it had been under my desk].
The next day, to my amazement, I was called by yet another friend to lunch!
Twice in one week... I couldn't refuse.
So my sandwich sat and waited.... thru the rest of the week.. .thru the weekend... until yesterday.
I pulled it out and ate it for lunch.
It smelled and tasted fine... but boy did I get the hot flashes and woozy stomach for a few hours.
My system is pretty tough from all the junk I pour into it... and I made it thru the day without vomiting.
You know what helped also... tons of water.
I must have drank a gallon trying to dilute the acidy feeling I had.
Woof... I sure am glad that's over!

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