Friday, May 14, 2004

Security Alarm

A friend asked my kids and I to watch/feed/walk their dog while they take a nice 4-day camping trip... no problem.
They do this every other month or so... and the dog is a great big old golden retriever... a great dog.
We look forward to the whole affair since they insist on paying $10 a day... and we all go out for a nice dinner when all is said an done!
Well.. all was well until last night.
They left around 5:30pm and it was approx. 9:30pm - dark neighborhood, people all thinking about going to bed...
... well... not with us setting off the security alarm!
At first I thought it was my 4 year old that tagged along - playing with a toy ray gun.
But when I stepped out the back door it was clearly a rooftop mounted alarm signal - and LOUD!
The neighborhood power had gone off for a couple hours just after our friends left and the security alarm [which they had turned OFF] had reset itself!
It was great.
We called them on my cell phone at the campground and got it settled.
The dog loved the adventure.
It was also a good time for me to teach my kids how NOT to panic when things go wrong.
[They liked the object lesson... but still wished it had never happened.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

adt alarmhttp://www.alarmmonitorsecurity.infoIn order to discover who you are, first find out what every body else're what's left.adt alarm