Friday, May 28, 2004

Bug Shake

My son and his best friend went into our backyard and collected as many bugs as they could find:

rolypolys, worms, beetles, ants, etc.

They tossed them into the blender....LIVE.
Then they tossed in some ice-cream, splash of milk, fresh strawberries and some yogurt.
The blended it for a minute or so and then filled up a couple tall tumblers!
My son turned around with the first 'bug shake' and said, "Here DAD, you try it!".
So I grabbed the glass and to a few healthy chugs...
Well... it was OK... except for the half a worm that didn't get blended... and the beetles leg that got caught in my throat...
but other than that I highly recommend it.
BTW... this REALLY happened.

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